Final Project: Gallery Instructions

When the gallery receives the Infinity Box, they will receive five panels (four mirror panels and one white panel) and a usb with the Infinity video. The Infinity Box will take up 36”x30” of space and it will need about 3 to 4 feet of extra space for the projector. The person who builds the box should put three screws in each side to ensure that the panels are secure. Once the Infinity Box is set up it must be set in a corner area and facing the wall to make sure it doesn’t take attention away from the other installations.

The gallery must have the MadMapper application on their computer and set up the laptop and projector up to 3 to 4 feet away from the box (depending on the type of the projector). The viewers are allowed to lay inside of the box, but it will disrupt the projection. If the viewers decide to lie inside the Infinity Box, they will receive a 2 minute time limit. To ensure that the Infinity Box’s mirrors are clean the gallery must clean it halfway through the day and at the end of the day.


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